Sunday, October 02, 2005

A collage of Vallaruis, France - September 30, 2005

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Cannes Garden Parc - Price: 170,000. to 185,000.

The sign above the door says it all -

Andrew inside the apartment terrace under construction -

Two photos of the archectectual models that are under construction -

A newly completed building.

Two interiors and the construction site -

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

This is the apartment in the north end of town it has great cross ventilation, a view of the boulevard, mass transit access and marble floors.

The view from the terrace, along the boulevard.

The kitchen, with a view.

A private crapper, separate from the rest of the bathroom!

A view from the bedroom window.

The tub and tiles

The marbled floor living room.
The apartment on the west side of town, near the airport is a gated community, with a garage and a "cellar" for storage. They tell me it's priced right to sell.

The bathroom. It looks better in the photo than it does in real life. There's plumbing for a washing machine.

The living room looking out to the "garden."

The bedroom.

The hedge that protects the garden and the sliding glass doors.

The "garden." Its about 15 to 20 feet long and about 5 feet deep.

Looking out from the bedroom to the "garden."